Eat Your Way to Beauty

To maintain a beautiful, glowing complexion and a trim figure for life, the food you put in your body is just as important as what you put on your body. Many of the delicious traditional Russian dishes may also keep you young and slim -- it’s just a matter of learning which ones.


Experts agree that breakfast is important for both weight loss and energy.

·         Kasha, yogurt and fruit: This is ideal for jump-starting your metabolism. Kasha is a whole grain rich in vitamin B, phytochemicals and fiber, and it doesn’t raise your insulin or sugar levels the same way processed cereals or breads do. Add low-fat, calcium-rich yogurt, proven to aid in weight loss. For extra sweetness, toss in a few fresh or frozen berries, which are also full of antioxidants.

·         Tea and coffee: These breakfast drinks will get your metabolism moving, helping you shed pounds. In moderation, coffee can also aid your powers of concentration. Tea is really a beauty brew. Green tea, in particular, has similar benefits to your metabolism as coffee, but it will also help you get beautiful skin. Green tea contains catechins, potent antioxidants that can help protect skin against UV damage from sun exposure and help slow the aging process.


·         Salmon: All types of salmon are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids with a variety of health benefits. (However, beware of smoked salmon, which is high in salt.) Omega-3 oils are essential for brain and heart health but are also necessary to keep skin looking youthful, firm and moist, and to keep hair and nails shiny. Eating foods high in omega-3 oils can even help prevent serious sun damage, such as precancerous lesions, as seen in a recent Australian study. Don’t like salmon? Herring, trout, cod, walnuts, almonds and flaxseed are all excellent sources of omega-3 too.

·         Citrus and tomatoes: Oranges, grapefruit, lemon and tomatoes are all high in vitamin C. This vitamin not only boosts your immune system, it’s also needed to help the body make collagen naturally, which helps keep your face firm. Vitamin C-rich tomatoes are also loaded with lycopene, a substance that helps protect your skin from sun damage -- that’s why some scientists call them “nature’s sunscreen.”


·         Caviar: Cosmetic companies knew what they were doing when they put caviar in luxurious anti-aging products; it is fabulous for your skin. But the best way to use caviar as a beauty treatment is to eat it. All types of caviar are loaded with omega-3 oils and other antioxidants, which can help revitalize, moisturize and soothe skin.

If you aren’t consuming these foods and drinks already, there is no time like the present to start. Use them with your regular product regimen, and you’ll be on your way to flawless skin and perfect health.

DIY Pretty Feet

Feet, being so far below our eyes, often get overlooked when it comes to a regular beauty routine. The result? Most of us walk around with cracked heels, callused toes and dirty soles that never seem to scrub clean -- not exactly the look you want to show off in your new beach sandals.

Summer is the cruelest season for feet, says Reham Bastawros, co-owner of the Nail Garden, a Los Angeles mani-pedi spa that cares for the cuticles of Renee Zellweger, Miley Cyrus and Megan Fox. “During the winter, when your feet are covered in socks and boots, there’s less damage done to them,” says Bastawros. But by late summer, weeks of flip-flops and sandals can cause the exposed skin of the feet to chafe against the straps with every step. “I’ve seen heels that are cracked to the point that they’re open wounds,” she says.

For stunning tootsies all year round, follow this nourishing routine:

The 6-step Professional Pedicure
Twice a year (once before the summer season and once before the winter holidays), treat yourself to an intensive professional pedicure. Choose a treatment that includes the following steps:

1. A salt bath to soften feet.

2. Callus removal, which therapists usually carry out by first brushing a special softening solution onto the affected area and then using a brand-new or properly sanitized tool.

3. A sugar scrub to exfoliate the whole foot.

4. A foot massage, using a natural oil such as grapeseed, which deeply penetrates your skin, returning feet to supple form.

5. A hot paraffin wrap, which seals in moisture.

6. And finally, the fun part: the classic pedicure, during which your toenails are cut and filed, cuticles are softened and nails are painted.

Do-it-yourself Daily Maintenance
1. Sit at the edge of your bathtub and apply a foot scrub. Choose one that contains your favorite essential oils or make your own by combining 1 tablespoon olive oil with 1 tablespoon raw sugar, oatmeal or chickpea flour. Massage the scrub into your feet and leave it on for five minutes. If time permits, soak hand towels in warm or hot water, and wrap them around your feet. This seals in moisture and works in the same way as a paraffin wax treatment.

2. Keep a foot brush or designated washcloth in the shower. Pour liquid soap onto your chosen scrubber and rub until your heels and toes are thoroughly clean. Three times a week while showering, run a foot file vigorously across your heels and soles. Be sure to replace your file once a month to avoid bacteria buildup.

3. Immediately after your bath or shower, slather your feet with a thick body butter, taking care to massage the lotion into your heels and soles.

4. For an added moisture boost, twice a week before you go to bed, rub olive oil all over your feet and soles, and sleep with socks on.

Summer’s Hottest Toenail Colors
In-vogue toenail colors change just like lipstick shades, and this season brings surprising hues. Naja Green, who owns Extremydys 2012, a West Hollywood hand-and-foot spa that tends to the toes of Lady Gaga, Fergie and Mary J. Blige, says yellow, bright whites, fluorescent pink and light blues are all big this summer, and soft, creamy colors “look amazing on sun-kissed toes.”

Nail Garden’s Bastawros is a fan of metallic nails like those seen in Sex and the City 2. “Matte lacquer is cutting-edge for sophisticated style, pink always feels flirty with sweet summer dresses, and dark polishes are almost accessories in themselves,” says Bastawros. For an extra touch of edgy chic, slip on a toe ring or ankle bracelet.

Os Segredos de Beleza De Fernanda Lima

No dia-a-dia, a apresentadora, atriz e modelo Fernanda Lima é simples e discreta. Anda de sandálias havaianas e rabo de cavalo, a maquiagem limita-se a batom cor-de-boca e rímel. Mas, mesmo assim, é impossível deixar de notar sua presença. “Fico aborrecida quando estou em algum lugar e noto que tem alguém tirando foto sem permissão,” diz ela. “Já aconteceu de os gêmeos estarem chorando ao mesmo tempo e, no meio disso tudo, chegar alguém e pedir para tirar uma foto.”

Quando Fernanda fala dos filhos João e Francisco, de dois anos, frutos do casamento com o ator Rodrigo Hilbert, aproveito para perguntar como conseguiu perder os 23 quilos que ganhou na gravidez, e o que fez para voltar à antiga forma, ou seja, aos 55 quilos tão bem distribuídos no seu 1m73 de altura e como faz para estar sempre impecável, até mesmo nas fotos roubadas.

Dou preferência a alimentos naturais, não processados e eu mesma procuro preparar a comida.  Lá em casa todos comem saladas, legumes pouco cozidos, açaí, massas integrais e quinua. Evito doces e bebo muita água e água de coco. Sou louca por frutas e como manga e kiwi com casca, as sementes do mamão e até mesmo o cabinho da pêra. Acho que essas fibras ajudam o funcionamento do intestino e melhoram a pele.

Fiz yoga do início ao fim da gestação e continuo até hoje. Todos os dias acordo às 6 da manhã, pego o meu tapetinho e faço uma hora do exercício no jardim. Também nado na praia e, quando sobra tempo, tenho aulas de pilates. Com o pilates aprendi que é importante prestar atenção na postura 24 horas por dia.

Como são clareados ao estilo californiano e agredidos pela química, faço hidratação quinzenalmente. Secador só mesmo quando vou fazer alguma foto ou gravação. Às vezes eu mesma corto as pontinhas para dar mais força. Aliás eu mesma corto o cabelo dos gêmeos também.

Evito usar maquiagem e toda noite lavo o rosto com um sabonete que controla a oleosidade e aplico um hidratante. Além disso, uso protetor solar com filtro 15 diariamente. Se vou à praia aumento para o fator 60 e só tomo sol de chapéu.

Sou louca por óculos escuros. São os acessórios que me tiram do sério e por eles sou capaz de cometer uma extravagância. Se não tenho tempo de me arrumar basta escolher um belo par de óculos escuros e um rabo-de-cavalo e já estou pronta. Também adoro bolsas.

O bom momento e os cuidados de beleza da estrela têm rendido ótimosresultados. Tanto é que num país conhecido por suas beldades ela foi a escolhida pela FIFA para realizar o sonho de consumo de milhões de torcedores de todo o mundo: ir para a África e dar o pontapé inicial para a Copa do Mundo de 2014. Que golaço, Fernanda!

How to Tame Summer’s Bites, Scrapes and Cuts

With the right at-home care, minor skin injuries -- from hungry mosquitoes to a collision with a surfboard -- don’t have to leave noticeable scars. Here, dermatologists and plastic surgeons share their treatment advice to speed healing and reduce scarring from common summer mishaps.

Clean up
Carefully washing with soap and water is the first step in treating minor cuts and scratches, says Dr. Jay Calvert, a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon and associate professor of plastic surgery at the University of California’s Keck School of Medicine. For sensitive skin, try a diluted solution of one part hydrogen peroxide and one part water. Some doctors also recommend applying a topical antibiotic ointment to prevent infection, but only for the first few days after injury. Among over-the-counter antibiotic blends, pure bacitracin is least likely to trigger an allergic reaction, says Calvert.

Allow Healing Time

Although life in our high-def world makes it more tempting than ever to obsess about the appearance of scrapes and scars, relax and give your skin the opportunity to heal, says Calvert. Frequently rinsing or medicating new cuts, scrapes or incisions can sometimes impede healing.

Avoid Scratching

Pesky mosquito, flea and chigger bites can cause maddening itching that drives some sensitive people to scratch obsessively, potentially causing scars or uneven pigmentation. Dr. Hayes Gladstone, director of the division of dermatologic surgery at Stanford University and associate professor, suggests applying an over-the-counter cream of 1 percent hydrocortisone to tame the itch and keep skin moist. Dry skin is a leading cause of itchiness, he says, “and no one really moisturizes enough.” Still can’t resist the impulse to scratch? Cover the bite with a bandage.

Keep It Simple

Even with their access to prescription cures, doctors sometimes prefer ordinary remedies, such as applying a cool compress to stifle itching from bug bites. Home medics can stir up effective skin soothers with common kitchen ingredients too. For example, soaking in a warm bath mixed with ultrafine oatmeal can provide relief from itching. Simply grind 1 cup unflavored oatmeal into a fine powder. Pour the powdered cupful into running warm water and soak for 15 or 20 minutes.

Stop the Scabs

Many of us remember letting our childhood cuts and scrapes form dry, hard scabs as they healed, a method that often left lasting scars. Now, doctors embrace a moist-healing technique, which can speed healing and minimize scarring. After cleansing the area of a cut or scrape, moisten it moderately with common ointments such as cocoa butter or petroleum jelly; cover with a nonstick bandage to contain the ointment and protect the injury. The wounds will heal in about two weeks. To further minimize scarring, try a nonprescription cream containing a copper-peptide complex; a recent Stanford University study showed the copper complex mobilizes the skin’s own healing response, leading to smoother scars.

Embrace the Shade

Keeping a wound or new scar away from sunlight is critically important, doctors say. “Sun exposure can cause more superficial blood vessel formation and make scars appear redder,” says Gladstone. Diligently guard your injuries from sunlight for several months, using a sunscreen with titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. New formulas with extra-fine particles of the sun-busting minerals don’t leave thick, white streaks.

Think Long-term

Scars don’t completely vanish, but managed properly, they’ll become less conspicuous during the healing process, says Calvert. For aftercare, Gladstone recommends gels with silicone as the active ingredient, available at online drugstores. “Silicone helps with wound healing and minimizes scarring,” says Gladstone. “I have my patients use it on surgical scars, but it’s useful even with everyday scrapes.” Gentle daily massage with the silicone gel should help soften and break down rigid tissue.

How to Be a Red Carpet Beauty

As a judge on “Dancing with the Stars,” Carrie Ann Inaba shrewdly assesses spins and steps. As host of TV Guide network’s red carpet coverage for Hollywood’s award shows, she chats up celebs about coiffures and couture. And on Sunday, March 7, she’ll be reporting from the most glamorous walkway of them all: the Academy Awards pre-show. Between fittings and hair appointments, Inaba shares the ticktock of how she’s getting gorgeous for the big event.


Back when I was a dancer and had to fit into tiny costumes, I’d go on really strict diets -- including fasts and liquid diets -- before a performance. Now, at 42 years old, I don’t feel the need to have a bathing suit-ready body under my dress. Still, I totally cut out chips, because the salt makes me puffy and zaps my energy, and I added more fruit and vegetables to my diet.

I always amp up my fitness regimen for the Oscars by doing double workouts on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. One workout is always a cardio dance class called Drenched. If I’m really going for it, I’ll do back-to-back classes, which I love, but that means I’ll be toast be midafternoon. Or I’ll follow Drenched with some Pilates at home or a Wii Fit session.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I’ll do just one of these workouts, and on weekends I always go for a long bike ride along the beach. I’m not working out to shed pounds -- though losing an inch or two is always nice -- but for muscle tone and energy. My favorite part to work on is my back, because so many of today’s dresses are backless. I think it’s sexy and feminine if you can see the outlines of a woman’s muscles when she moves.

I think if your skin is touchable, soft and moist, that really reflects an inner beauty and health. To get ready for the Oscars, I start on that final Friday, my big grooming day. I’ll also get a spray-on tan from the pro who tans everyone for “Dancing with the Stars” and knows how to make it look natural. Up next? A relaxing pedicure for open-toed shoes. One thing I can skip is getting my brows waxed. When I was on tour with Madonna in ’93, the makeup artist pretty much plucked all of my eyebrows out for the skinny-brow look of the time, and they’ve never really grown back.

I color my hair a week before the Oscars to give the color enough time to settle in. I do a root touch-up and both highlights and lowlights: The darker tones of the lowlights balance out the highlights and give my hair weight and depth. After all, I’m Asian, so there should be dark hair in there somewhere! I’ll likely also have a trim too -- something I do every other month -- and keep it well-conditioned to add shine. I cut bangs last year, and now I’m trying to grow them out because I’m doing a lot of updos on both “Dancing with the Stars” and on the red carpet. As flattering as they may look, you’re very limited in what you can do when you have bangs.

The Day of
My team and I gather at a Hollywood hotel in the late morning. It takes me two hours to get into hair and makeup and get dressed, and we go live from the red carpet at 3 p.m.

I start my preparation with a full breakfast at about 10 a.m., which includes two scrambled eggs, turkey bacon, some hash browns, grapefruit juice and coffee. You can’t be in a hunger cloud on the red carpet; my brain needs to be working at full capacity. I’ll also work out for 30 minutes, doing some jumping jacks to get my energy going and a little Pilates and stretching. I have an inversion board, so I’ll hang upside down for a few minutes to get the blood circulating to my head. 

Then I’m ready to hit the red carpet and start my celebrity interviews.